Andrea Gava, born in Conegliano, Italy, 1990, is a musician, composer, performer, producer and sound designer.
His work focuses on electroacoustic music and improvisation techniques. He explores the topics of the unexpected, the musical value of broken, diy and discarded instruments and objects, of the relationship between man and machine, between presence and absence.
He leaded workshops in high schools and universities about performing arts and contemporary music, created soundtracks for theatre plays, documentaries, short films, played live soundtracks for silent movies and contemporary dance performances, took part as a performer for international artists and galleries. Among the others he collaborated with: Venice's Biennale, FH Johanneum (Graz), Università di San Marino and Usma Radio, Liceo Statale G. Marconi, Cooperativa Sociale La Gagiandra, Casa dell'ospitalità Venezia, Shylock Centro di Ricerca Teatrale, CreaArte Cantieri del Contemporaneo, Gli Asini, AISO (Associazione Italiana Storia Orale), Galleria Raffaella Cortese, Lago Film Fest, 30_70DocFest and many more.
He plays concerts both on his own (with the monicker Andreij Rublev) and with other projects (with Le Trou Electronique, Parallel, Foresto Est, Zot Lukta, Kamal Sabran, Bienoise, Nick Acorne and many more).
Beside his activity as a performer on stage, he creates online informative content on contemporary and research music, connecting artists and audience through talks, listening sessions, collaborative projects, broadcasts and much more.